Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Making Use Of A WaterProof MP3 Player For Swim Training

If you are looking to spice up your swim training then you may want to consider getting a waterproof MP3 player. A waterproof MP3 player can make a normal, boring, swim exercise fly by as you listen to your tunes and swim away. While most waterproof MP3 players would not be classified as cheap MP3 players, generally speaking they are not that expensive. There are plenty of waterproof MP3 players out there, but if you are specifically looking for one for swim training then the SWIMP3 is the one for you. I have tried other waterproof MP3 players but this one is by far the best for training.
Why Choose The SWIMP3 Waterproof MP3 Player?
A variety of reasons come to mind of the choice for a SWIMP3 to be used for you swimming training. The first one is that the device does not utilize earphones. Indeed, it’s strange but yes this particular MP3 player does not need you to put anything in your ear. It works using the bone conduction of sound, being place on any bone of the skull it vibrates the fluid in the inner ear to generate the sounds. This means that the swimmers using the device get to enjoy the clarity of sound even under water.
Many will definitely wonder whether or not the bone conduction method used by this device is safe for them, and in fact it is safe indeed. Being a well established hearing mechanism in humans it allows us to actually leverage the aquatic environment to increas the accuracy of the sounds. The use of this particular technology has brought a new level of audio clarity to swimmers in any level and with great success.
The device is compact and weighs only two ounces. It has a 256 megabyte capacity and recharges by plugging into any USB port. The device can plug directly into any USB port without the need for additional cable or accessories. In addition to this it comes with a wall charger so you can simply plug it in and charge up anywhere you like.
You will notice that this MP3 device has many advantages and this makes it an excellent if not perfect choice for those looking for a waterproof MP3 player they can use when swim training. The cost is around $139, so it is affordable indeed to almost everyone and the features on offer other than being waterproof is simply hard to ignore. This MP3 player is all you really need to peacefully train away without any disturbance and loss of concentration.

Damn Interesting..... Have a Look at It.....

In memory of the infamous and mysterious "H.M."–who sadly passed away last Tuesday–we re-post this elderly article from the archives. R.I.P., H.M. This article was originally published on 06 June 2007.
"I don't remember things," Henry explained to the unfamiliar female interviewer. She seemed very curious about how he spends a typical day, and about what he had eaten for breakfast, but his efforts to summon the information from his mind were fruitless. He could easily answer her questions regarding his childhood and early adult years, but the indefinite expanse of time since then was bereft of memories. In fact, from moment to moment Henry feels almost as though he has just awakened from a deep sleep, with the fleeting remnants of a dream always just beyond his grasp. Each experience, dull or dramatic, evaporates from his memory within a few dozen heartbeats and leaves no trace.
For over fifty years Henry has lived with anterograde amnesia, a form of profound memory loss which prevents new events from reaching his long-term memory. As a result his only memories are those he possessed prior to his amnesia, and the small window of moments immediately preceding the present.


I'm the kind of person that is extremely slow to adopt new technology. It took me forever to adopt email as a regular communication method, and I'm just now getting used to the idea of storing all my memos and notes on a PDA rather than in a paper planner. So it comes as no surprise that I've held off buying a digital camera until now -- and that's only because my film-based model finally gave out for good.
Well, if the truth be told, I've actually been thinking about buying a digital camera for a few months now. That's because I've seen the amazing shots that my friends have taken with their cameras, and I want to be able to get the same results. In addition, I'm a bit tired of having to deal with all my film rolls. It's tough to remember which ones are new, which ones have already been used, and what kind of pictures are on them. I've also lost quite a few film rolls while on vacation over the years. I figured I could eliminate these problems by buying a digital camera.

Towards that end, I'd been reading online guides and reviews from people who have experience with buying a digital camera. I've found these articles to be very helpful, as they alert me to the brands that are easy to use, that produce high-quality photos, that come packed with features, and are the best bargains. In fact, these resources made the task of buying a digital camera easier than I imagined it would be.
Since I had done all this research beforehand, I was ready to make my purchase as soon as I decided that buying a digital camera was the right move for me. I had read about people getting fantastic bargains from online stores, so those are the places I checked out first. I had also read store reviews as part of my research into buying a digital camera, so I knew which websites were trustworthy and which ones should be avoided. As a result, I was able to complete my purchase without a single problem.
Now that I've had my new toy for a few days, I really can't remember what was preventing me from buying a digital camera a long time ago! I've been having a lot of fun playing around with the settings, trying out different techniques, and cleaning up my pictures with photo editing software. If you ask me, this is the way photography was meant to be.
If you've been thinking about buying a digital camera, I recommend that you go ahead and do it sooner rather than later. You'll be amazed at how much easier it is to take pictures with this kind of equipment and how much better the pictures turn out.
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